Six Laning of Highways: IRC SP 87-2019 PDF Manual (Second Revision) Free Download
What is IRC SP 87-2019?
If you are involved in highway projects in India or want to learn more about the specifications and standards for six-laning of highways through public-private partnership (PPP), then you might have come across the term IRC SP 87-2019. But what exactly is it and why is it important? In this article, we will answer these questions and more.
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IRC SP 87-2019 is a document published by the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) that provides the manual of specifications and standards for six-laning of highways. It is a revision of the previous version published in 2013. It covers various aspects of highway design such as geometric design and general features; intersections and grade separators; embankment and cut sections; pavement design; highway drainage; design of structures; roadside development and arboriculture; special requirements for hill roads; etc. It also provides typical cross-sections and drawings for different situations.
The document is intended to serve as a guide for highway authorities; consultants; contractors; concessionaires; developers; financiers; lenders; etc. who are involved in planning; designing; constructing; operating; maintaining; or financing six-laning of highways through PPP mode. It aims to ensure uniformity; quality; safety; efficiency; economy; sustainability; and environmental friendliness in highway projects.
Why is IRC SP 87-2019 important for highway projects?
IRC SP 87-2019 is important for highway projects because it provides the minimum requirements and best practices for six-laning of highways. By following the specifications and standards in the document; highway projects can achieve several benefits such as:
Improving the capacity; mobility; connectivity; accessibility; comfort; convenience; and safety of road users
Reducing congestion; travel time; fuel consumption; vehicle operating costs; accidents; emissions; noise pollution; etc.
Enhancing the aesthetics; functionality; durability; serviceability; reliability and resilience of highway infrastructure
Increasing the economic; social; and environmental benefits of highway development
Facilitating the implementation; management; and monitoring of highway projects through PPP mode
Ensuring the compliance with the relevant codes; norms; regulations; and policies of the government and other stakeholders
Therefore, IRC SP 87-2019 is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to ensure the quality and success of six-laning of highways in India.
What are the main features of IRC SP 87-2019?
IRC SP 87-2019 is a comprehensive document that covers various aspects of highway design for six-laning of highways. It consists of nine sections and four annexures. The main features of each section are summarized below:
This section provides the general information about the document such as:
The scope and applicability of the document for six-laning of highways through PPP mode
The definitions and abbreviations used in the document
The references to other relevant documents such as codes; standards; guidelines; manuals; etc.
Geometric design and general features
This section provides the geometric design parameters and general features for six-laning of highways such as:
The design speed; sight distance; horizontal alignment; vertical alignment; super-elevation; widening; transition curves; etc.
The cross-sections for different categories of highways such as expressways; national highways; state highways; etc.
The clearances for horizontal curve radius; vertical clearance; lateral clearance; etc.
The access control measures such as median openings; service roads; interchanges; etc.
The structures such as bridges; culverts; underpasses; overpasses; flyovers; etc.
Intersections and grade separators
This section provides the types, design criteria, and traffic control devices for intersections and grade separators for six-laning of highways such as:
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The types of intersections such as at-grade intersections (unsignalized, signalized, roundabouts, etc.) and grade-separated intersections (cloverleaf, diamond, trumpet, etc.)
The design criteria for intersections such as capacity, level of service, delay, queue length, safety, etc.
The traffic control devices such as signs, markings, signals, delineators, etc.
Embankment and cut sections
This section provides the soil investigations, design report, embankment, and roadway in cutting for six-laning of highways such as:
The soil investigations such as field tests, laboratory tests, soil classification, bearing capacity, settlement, slope stability, etc.
The design report such as geotechnical data, design assumptions, calculations, drawings, etc.
The embankment such as material selection, compaction, drainage, slope protection, erosion control, settlement monitoring, etc.
The roadway in cutting such as material selection, excavation, drainage, slope protection, erosion control, stability analysis, etc.
Pavement design
This section provides the type, method, requirements, components, materials, evaluation, strengthening, and construction of pavement for six-laning of highways such as:
The type of pavement such as flexible pavement, rigid pavement, composite pavement, etc.
The method of pavement design such as empirical method, mechanistic-empirical method, etc.
The requirements for pavement design such as traffic data, climatic data, subgrade data, material data, etc.
The components of pavement such as subgrade, sub-base, base course, wearing course, etc.
The materials for pavement such as soil, aggregate, bitumen, cement, concrete, etc.
The evaluation of pavement such as condition survey, structural evaluation, functional evaluation, etc.
The strengthening of pavement such as overlay design, recycling, stabilization, etc.
The construction of pavement such as quality control, quality assurance, testing methods, etc.
Highway drainage
This section provides the surface, median, sub-surface, internal, and structural drainage for six-laning of highways such as:
The surface drainage such as cross slope, camber, super-elevation, shoulder slope, kerb and gutter, side drain, catch basin, etc.
The median drainage such as median width, median opening, median drain, etc.
The sub-surface drainage such as filter material, perforated pipe drain, edge drain, longitudinal drain, transverse drain, etc.
The internal drainage such as capillary cut-off layer, granular blanket layer, geotextile layer, etc.
The structural drainage such as weep holes, scuppers, downspouts, outlets, etc.
Design of structures
This section provides the design loads; stresses; width; types; hydrology; sub-soil investigations; foundations; sub-structures; superstructures; bearings; expansion joints; wearing coat; retaining structures; river training works; safety barriers; rail-road bridges; grade separated road structures; drainage of structures; and structures in marine environment for six-laning of highways such as:
The design loads such as dead load; live load; impact load; wind load; seismic load; temperature load; shrinkage and creep load; etc.
The design stresses such as permissible stresses; working stresses; ultimate stresses; limit state design; etc.
The width of structures such as carriageway width; footpath width; kerb width; railing width; etc.
The types of structures such as slab bridges; T-beam bridges; box girder bridges; arch bridges; cable-stayed bridges; suspension bridges; etc.
The hydrology of structures such as rainfall data; runoff data; flood data; waterway data; scour data; etc.
The sub-soil investigations of structures such as boreholes; standard penetration test; cone penetration test; plate load test; etc.
The foundations of structures such as shallow foundations; deep foundations; pile foundations; well foundations; caisson foundations; etc.